Swipe Me | Share Meal Swipes

What is Swipe Me?

Swipe Me is a website that makes it possible for you to meet and share meal swipes with others at your school. To get started, sign up!

Here is how it works:

Create a Profile

We'll ask you for your .edu email address to connect you to others at your school. We use Facebook to make it easy to log in and out.

Get matched

Using our daily Meal Match or the Market feature, connect with others who meet your meal swipe criteria and chat away!

Meet up and swipe away

Once you message someone set a time and dining hall to meet at. You're ready to go!

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Looking to partner? Want Swipe Me at your school?

Swipe Me's mission is to bring together as many college students as possible to share meals. If we are not available at your school yet, don't worry. This is your chance. Please reach out to us. We partner with food commissions, dining halls, and other student groups all the time. We are excited to work with you as well!

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Swipe Me: Share Meals NYU Columbia UCI UPenn Rutgers
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Swipe Me: Share Meals NYU Columbia UCI UPenn Rutgers

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